Memorial Presbyterian Church
201 S Skinker Blvd,
St. Louis, MO 63105
We rehearse on Sundays
at 5:00pm - 7:00pm
in the choir room.
Welcome! We are excited to have you visit. The Recruits Chorus is an a cappella ensemble which resides in St. Louis, MO. The chorus was created under the umbrella of the Ambassadors of Harmony ( with the sole purpose of creating a supported outlet for youth a cappella in and around the St. Louis area. Once a men's only group, the chorus has taken on a new form by turning the Recruits into a mixed chorus. With a strong emphasis on singing in the barbershop style (our roots), we are no stranger to choral, jazz, contemporary a cappella. We look forward to seeing you around town!
Our Mission: To inspire and educate young people in a cappella music. The Recruit's utilize members of the Ambassadors of Harmony Chorus to assist in educating newer "Recruits," by posing as directors, section leaders, arrangers etc.... The Recruits Chorus was created to increase the awareness of a cappella music while educating young people in this uniquely American art form.

Our regular weekly rehearsals are on every Sunday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Memorial Presbyterian Church (near Forest Park). We love an audience at our regular rehearsals because it helps us better prepare for stage performances. Guest singers are welcome to watch, too, but we strongly encourage you to sing with us on our risers to get a sense for the kind of work we do in rehearsal.
Trying out for the chorus may sound daunting, but don’t sweat it. We are thrilled to bring new singers into our ranks and we encourage you to attend our rehearsals to experience the power of performing with like-minded singers like yourself. We look for people with a passion for performing, a desire to sing challenging music and a commitment to perfecting our artform. Our music carries a deep emotional message that means it is important to convey the meaning of our songs with strong visual performance.
Our audition process is straight-forward: First, come to three consecutive rehearsals to get a good sense of how the Recruits Chorus works. Second, after one of the rehearsals, perform a vocal placement session with our director (so we can figure out your range and place you in the right part). During this, we will also have you sing a basic barbershop tag with our music team, this will qualify for you to become a member. Lastly, to be performance ready, pass a basic vocal audition by singing and recording one of the current songs in our repertoire.
Once you've joined, you'll be expected to pass a visual evaluation which is a check for how you present yourself on stage. We expect members to learn the repertoire and come prepared to every rehearsal and concert. If you have any questions about auditioning or membership, please reach out! Email our membership coordinator at
If you're interested in helping us off the risers, consider joining Harmony STL's Affiliate Program, an initiative for those passionate about the chapter to contribute to our mission by volunteering. Click here to learn more!
St. Charles Convention Center
Harmony STL Gala
March 8th, 2025
Bellco Theatre
BHS International Chorus Contest
July 4th, 2025